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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Florida Department of Health in Volusia County Epidemiology

Epidemiology provides the scientific input that shapes public health policy, program directions and activities.

At the Florida Department of Health in Volusia County, we conduct surveillance for the occurrence of diseases and other health conditions that affect our residents. By determining the who, what, where, when, how and why related to these diseases and health conditions, appropriate interventions and control measures can be implemented to lessen their health impact.

When an outbreak occurs, immediate action may be needed to prevent or control a situation.

Disease Reporting Information for Health Care and Laboratory Providers

Health care and laboratory providers are required to report conditions of public health importance to the Florida Department of Health as defined in Chapter 64D-3, Florida Administrative Code.

Report disease information to the Florida Department of Health in Volusia County

  • HIV/AIDS: 386-274-0634 
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections: 386-274-0629 
  • Tuberculosis: 386-274-0628 
  • Other reportable diseases/conditions: 386-274-0634 
  • After Hours Reporting: 386-316-5030

Epi-Log - Epidemiology News in Volusia County