It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Pools, Spa Pools and Bathing Places
Florida Department of Health in Volusia County Environmental Health
- 386-274-0694
386-274-0698 -
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 9190
Daytona Beach, FL 32120
The Department of Health regulates all public pools and Bathing Places. This regulation is considered a significant factor in the prevention of disease, sanitary nuisances, and accidents.
All proposed new constructions and modifications to existing pools require approval from the local building department. Annual Operating Permits are issued by the local county health department and are valid from July 1 through June 30. These permits must be applied for and renewed annually.
The following pool facilities are inspected by our staff each year:
- Proper disinfection of the water
- Chemical balance of the pool water
- Filtration equipment properly maintained
- Safety equipment is maintained on site
- Forms
- Public Swimming Pool Permit Process
- DH4159 – Application for Swimming Pool Operating Permit
- DH4159 – Application Instructions
- DH4157 Pool Owner/Operator Verification of Entrapment Safety Features
- DH form 921 - Monthly Swimming Pool Report
- DH form 1704 (rtf <1mb) Application for Swimming Pool Exempt Status >32 Units
- DH form 4065 (rtf <1mb) Application for Swimming Pool Exempt Status 32 Units or Less
- DH form 4080 (pdf <1mn) Application for Variance from Chapter 64E-9, F.A.C., Swimming Pools and Bathing Places- Fillable pdf version
- DOH Public Pool Resurfacing Notification Form (pdf, <1mb, fillable)
- DOH Public Pool Lighting Certification Form (pdf<1mb)
- Statutes & Administrative Codes
- Entrapment Protection, Virginia Graeme Baker Federal Pool and Safety Act
Section 514.0315, Florida Statutes (opens in a new window), requires all public swimming pools and spas to be equipped with an anti-entrapment system or device that complies with American Society of Mechanical
Engineers/American National Standards Institute standard A112.19.8, or any successor standard. All new pools and spas are required to use a gravity drainage system that uses a collector tank. The law provides the owner or operator of a public pool or spa several options for pools and spas built before January 1, 1993.
All pdfs are < 1mb and open in a new window)
Verification Form for Entrapment Protection (pdf)
Safety Checklist for Safety Vacuum Release System (pdf)
Safety Checklist for Suction Limiting Vent System (pdf)
Code Compliant Drain List by Company (pdf <1mb)
- Helpful Links
- Responding to Pool Contamination, as well as help in determining the time frame and how much liquid chlorine should be added to your pool to sanitize and re-open the pool after an accident.
- Florida Department of Health Approved Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor Programs (pdf<1mb, opens in new window)
Connect with DOH