It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Florida Department of Health in Volusia County Environmental Health
- 386-274-0694
386-274-0698 -
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 9190
Daytona Beach, FL 32120
Biomedical Waste
Biomedical waste is infectious material generated during the treatment of humans or animals as well as during biological research at hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, laboratories, funeral homes, dentists, veterinarians, etc.
Oversight of biomedical waste management is conducted to assure proper identification, segregation, containment, storage, and labeling of biomedical waste to protect the public from risks associated with potentially infectious pathogens.
The Florida Department of Health investigates complaints concerning biomedical waste. Emergencies are referred to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Emergency Response, at 850-245-2010.
Our Environmental Public Health program also manages a sharps exchange programs.
An individual home user generates sharps as a result of self-injection or injection by a family member for the treatment or control of an illness such as diabetes, allergies or for other legitimate purposes. The sharps disposal program is available to private citizens to safely dispose of any household generated sharps at no charge. We will accept individual private citizens full sharp containers at the following addresses:
- 1845 Holsonback Drive, Daytona Beach
- 717 W. Canal St., New Smyrna Beach
- 775 Harley Strickland Blvd., Orange City
New sharps containers can also be purchased at these locations.
- Large (2 gallon) containers are $6.50
- Small (1.5 quart) containers are now $3.50.
There is no additional fee for disposal.
Application Forms
Septic and Sewer Systems
The Florida Department of Health permits and inspects Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, known as septic tanks, to ensure systems are properly designed, constructed, and maintained, to protect ground water.
- Credit Card Authorization Form
- Application for System Construction - Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- Approved Septic Tanks and Manufacturers
- Onsite Sewage Forms and Publications- Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- Online Permitting and Processing
Septic tank improvement grants are available to areas near DeLeon Springs. Visit Volusia County Government for details.
Connect with DOH